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The Rocky Horror Alcohol Burden

Happy Sunday. Keep thinking about your ideas, sharing these posts (Simon Welsh Poetry) with your friends, and I will post again this evening, shaped by the ideas and suggestions that come in over the day... let this piece be epic and glorious and abundant with suggestions. Bring whatever you like to the table and keep sharing. Masses of love, Simon x

I thought I was a mastermind; a processing machine.
Listening to Rocky Horror - lyrics were obscene!
I saw the patterns everywhere. They all made so much sense,
Piercing the fabric from the subtle to the dense.

It took me several gin and tonics, shots and gourmet wine
To realise that even shadow demons are divine.
So, all in all, the lesson here for me was not to fight.
For even in the darkest spaces, stuff is made of light.

Janet sang “t-touch me! I wanna be dirty!”
And now I see my shadow demons do not want to hurt me.
So whether it’s financial burden, Mastermind or drink.
I want to learn to feel more - instead of trying to think!

Sunday 11th November 2012 ©Simon Welsh Poetry

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