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Chapter 2
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After this, it became apparent that people really liked the idea of singing together, and deep in my heart, the concept of "The Choir" was born:

I'm not a huge fan of the Bible but I remember one teaching from childhood than always really stuck with me:  When Christ came to Earth, he came as the lamb and he was slaughtered.   When he comes again, he shall come as the Lion and he shall roar like Aslan. The Earth's foundations will rumble, temples and banks will collapse and brave men will piss their pants.  I don't think the Bible said it in quite these words, but it carried the same sentiment.

What if Christ's return is not about a Lion or a man?  What if Christ a consciousness made of pure Love, waiting to be born in the heart of every man, woman and child on this planet?  What if the roar of the Lion actually just a whole bunch of people singing together about something they care about so deeply, it brings tears to their eyes while they sing?

What if fracking is a catalyst for the collective awakening of the heart of humanity?

Holy shit!

I got hot all over as I rocked backwards and forwards in my study, thinking about this.  I was still on fire from how good it had felt to hear all those peole singing Jerusalem with the new lyrics I'd written... and I knew it had to go further.  I must create an event.

And the moment I said yes, the phone started to ring... it didn't stop for 2 weeks. 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I thought of all the Who's in Whoville, screaming "We are here, we are here, we are here!"  I thought of Cuadrilla treating Balcombe as insignificantly as if our village was a spec on a clover.

It was as if Dr. Seuss had been telling our story all along.  And then I realised:  It was true.