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Chapter 1
(If you like it, please 'like' it.)

Within 2 weeks this video had 20,000 views and comments from anti-fracking groups all over the world, all saying the same thing:

"We're with you.  Don't give up.  Keep fighting."

Over the next few weeks, I went down to the site several times, brought a little food, met some of the dedicated folk who had set up home by the side of the road... and all the while, William Blake's Jerusalem anthem was going round and around in my head.   And it wouldn't let up.

And finally, late one night, I understood why.  It hit me like a bolt of electricity, and 10 minutes later I was looking at what would become the UK's number 1 anti-fracking anthem.

The next day was a Saturday and I went down to the site with the anthem printed out a few times, to see if anyone fancied a bit of a sing-a-long.  The anthem was sung and enjoyed by about 40 people, one of whom was a fellow Balcombe residient, like me.

She asked me if she could take away the spare anthems, and give them to a group of Balcombe residents who were meeting up at the 'rec' the following morning to walk down to the campsite together to meet the protestors who had been camping out and physically protecting our village.

Suddenly it was the next morning and I found myself with a megaphone in my hand, addressing over 100 people.

Here's what happened next: