One love Onesie

Tuesday: This is turning into rather an adventure! What would people like me to work into a poem today? If you haven't heard/read yesterday's poem, it's just below and it's called 'What sort of freedom fighter are you?' I'm very pleased with it. Thanks to all those who've put there ideas in. The shape of each poem is dedicated to your input. Please share this post with friends and get them to like Simon Welsh Poetry so that they, too, can be a part of this co-creative adventure.

Much love, Simon x

One love, Onesie

Onesies aren’t for everyone. They’re really quite unique.
They’re not a clever choice if you’ve a claustrophobic streak.
But if you like to be cocooned and snuggled nice and tight,
A Onesie is the thing for you. There’s no point trying to fight.

In winter, near to Christmas, a Onesie’s just the thing
To keep you feeling sexy when you’ve eaten everything:
The Onesie is the home key that will keep you safe from scorn
Like F major is the home key of the famous English horn.

If you’re good at sewing you can make one for yourself,
Though you’d have to start today and be a busy little elf.
But if sewing’s not your forte and you’re not much good at that,
You might end up bedraggled looking, like a lonely cat.

So, though I’m not an expert on the Onesie, I must say
You ought to buy one for yourself to wear on Christmas day.
And when you’ve guzzled apple pie for breakfast lunch and tea,
You’ll think of this advice and say “It’s serendipity.

“No trousers and no buttons, no constrictions near to death:
“The Onesie has allowed me to expand and take a breath.”
But if your office colleagues see your outfit on the NET,
The politics will bring you down in office shame and debt.

So if you cannot guarantee that photos won’t be taken,
Perhaps the Onesie’s not the thing to let you eat more bacon.
Maybe it is better to go healthy on the cooksies,
And on the very coldest days, end up with frozen tootsies.

11:55pm 6th November 2012 ©Simon Welsh Poetry